History Park

The Clare County Historical Society operates a museum complex on the corner of Dover Road and Eberhart Avenue. The buildings include a museum, one-room schoolhouse, blacksmith shop, two log cabins, and a pavilion.

Clare County Museum

The museum building houses artifacts and records of the county’s history. Exhibit subjects include Michigan surveying, the town of Meredith, Spikehorn Meyer, old kitchen & household products, old logging & farming tools, a legal office, military uniforms, and Doctor Kuno Hammerburg. History books are available for purchase.

museum building

Dover School

This one-room schoolhouse is original to the site. The 19th century building housed classes up to 1966. It became the first historic building of the CCHS History Park in 1970.

Dover one-room schoolhouse

Ott Cabin

This historic log cabin belonged to the Ott family in Hatton Township in the 19th century. It was in use until the 1970s and was moved to the park in 2000. The building is “a lasting testament to the past, to those who struggled to be free and independent Americans.

Ott family cabin

Blacksmith Shop

Live demonstrations of blacksmithing are featured here during normal hours (Saturdays 1-4 p.m.).

blacksmith shop with live demonstration of blacksmithing

Bell-Knapp Cabin

This historic log cabin was donated by author Robert Knapp upon his passing in 2023. It belonged to his family in Sheridan Township in the 19th century. The building was moved to the park and given a new roof & foundation in 2024.


Lunch is served here on Old Fashion Day.